Benefits of the future sea surface salinity measurements from SMOS: Generation and characteristics of SMOS geophysical products
Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) level 2 and level 3 products are simulated and characterized over a one-year time period. A simulator is first used to evaluate the sea surface salinity (SSS) error of level 2 SMOS products. An optimal interpolation method is then adapted to map the surface salinity in order to simulate a level 3 SMOS product. The quality of the simulated products is satisfactory. The mean error of the SSS at pixel scale is around 1 psu, and the error on the final gridded product fits the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment requirements (0.2 psu).
Obligis E, Boone C, Larnicol G, Philipps S, Tranchant B, Le Traon Pierre-Yves (2008). Benefits of the future sea surface salinity measurements from SMOS: Generation and characteristics of SMOS geophysical products. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 46 (3). 746-753.,