Campagnes Rodriguez 1 et 2: Le point triple de Rodriguez et les dorsales de l'ocean Indien

The first Rodriguez Cruise started on 14 January 1984 from Colombo and ended at Reunion Island on 16 February 1984. The second cruise left Reunion Island on 3 April 1984 and was completed in Singapore on 7 May 1984. The program included a detailed Seabeam, gravimetric and magnetic survey of the Rodriguez Triple Junction over an area of 7,200 km super(2) and similar surveys of an axial segment of each of the 3 associated spreading ridges. The 2 cruises together total 27,000 km of profiles. The scientific objectives of the Rodriguez cruises based upon detailed bathymetric, gravimetric and magnetic mapping of the surveyed areas are summarized.

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203 Mo
Comment citer
Schlich R, Ball G, Blanck M, Boulanger D, Boulanger MO, Bulot A, Cantin B, Doucoure M, Durand J (1990). Campagnes Rodriguez 1 et 2: Le point triple de Rodriguez et les dorsales de l'ocean Indien. Oceanologica Acta, Special issue,

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