Structure and kinematics of the Indo-Burmese Wedge: Recent and fast growth of the outer wedge
The northern Sunda subduction zone, offshore Burma, and the associated Indo-Burmese Wedge mark the active eastern boundary of the Burma Platelet jammed between the India Plate and the Sunda Plate. The aim of this paper is to provide a structural and kinematics analysis of the Indo-Burmese Wedge based on seismic reflection, geodetic, and geological field data. We found out that the Indo- Burmese Wedge is the place of diffuse strain partitioning: right-lateral shearing in the innermost part and E-W shortening in the outermost part. In the outer wedge, thick-skinned deformation overprints thin-skinned deformation. It can be explained by the required preservation of the critical taper after the fast westward propagation of the outer wedge above a very efficient clayey decollement layer. The thick-skinned deformation is here characterized by major right-lateral strike-slip faults ( the Kaladan Fault and the Chittagong Coastal Fault) and yet a typical internal deformation of the Indo-Burmese Wedge. We suggest that the westward migration of internal right-lateral shear deformation allows preservation of the strain-partitioning ratios between internal N-S trending right-lateral shearing and external E-W shortening. Some seismic lines show that the outer wedge deformation is not older than 2 Ma. Its propagation could have been enhanced by the large amount of sediments filling up the Sylhet flexural basin formed after the Pliocene tectonic uplift of the Shillong Plateau.
Maurin Thomas, Rangin Claude (2009). Structure and kinematics of the Indo-Burmese Wedge: Recent and fast growth of the outer wedge. Tectonics. 28 (2/TC2010). 1-21.,