Evaluation and improvement of shellfish dredge design and fishing effort in relation to technical conservation measures and environmental impact: [ECODREDGE CT98-4465]

This project systematically examines the bivalve dredging process and its physiological and ecological consequences. The literature on ecology and population dynamics of the target species, dredge design and fisheries and the environmental effects of dredging and selectivity of dredging is reviewed. A programme of experimental work, both laboratory and field studies is described in scallop and clam dredge fisheries in European waters; scallop species (UK, France) Pecten maximus, Aequipecten opercularis, clam species (Italy; N. Adriatic) Chamelea gallina, clam species (Portugal) Spisula solida, Donax trunculus, Callista chione. Selectivity measures and dredge design are examined for their consequences in terms of environmental effects. Studies included physical, chemical and biological effects both at individual and community level, and selectivity of dredging. These studies include the use of instrumentation and modelling to describe physical effects and behavioural observations, stress and damage indices, both acute and chronic, to describe environmental effects. In the discussion measurement of environmental effects and selectivity are discussed along with the environmental effects of selectivity parameters, dredge designs and responses to fishing effort. The results are discussed in the context of dredge fishery management.

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2765 Ko
Volume 1_Review
1916 Mo
Volume 2_Investigations
72212 Mo
Volume 3_Bibliography
64219 Ko
How to cite
Lart William, Jacklin Marcus, Horton Roger, Ward Nigel, Arkely Ken, Misson Trevor, Allan Peter, Savage Thomas, Lart Geoff, Berthou Patrick, Priour Daniel, Fifas Spyros, Danioux Christian, Pitel Mathilde, Brand Andy, Jenkins Stuart, Allen Hugh, Campbell Ross, Da ros Luisa, Nesto Nicoletta, Bianchi Franco, Acri Francesco, Boldrin Alfredo, Nasci Cristina, Penzo Mauro, Antonini Antonini, Cesca Arduino, Marin Marco, Pellizzato Michele, Marin Maria, Moschino Vanessa, Pampanin Daniela, Ballarin Loriano, Casellato Sandra, Masiero Luciano, Del Favero Marcello, Allan Peter, Chicharo Luís, Chicharo Alexandra, Alves Filipe, Tata Regala João, Gaspar Miguel B., Santos Miguel N., Leitao Francisco, Sobral Manuel, Dias Maria D., Campos Aida, Monteiro Carlos C., Falcao Manuela M., Vale Carlos, Caetano Miguel, Burnell Gavin, Maguire Julie, Byrne Pam (2003). Evaluation and improvement of shellfish dredge design and fishing effort in relation to technical conservation measures and environmental impact: [ECODREDGE CT98-4465]. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00307/41851/

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