A Shift from Cellular to Humoral Responses Contributes to Innate Immune Memory in the Vector Snail Biomphalaria glabrata

Discoveries made over the past ten years have provided evidence that invertebrate antiparasitic responses may be primed in a sustainable manner, leading to the failure of a secondary encounter with the same pathogen. This phenomenon called "immune priming" or "innate immune memory" was mainly phenomenological. The demonstration of this process remains to be obtained and the underlying mechanisms remain to be discovered and exhaustively tested with rigorous functional and molecular methods, to eliminate all alternative explanations. In order to achieve this ambitious aim, the present study focuses on the Lophotrochozoan snail, Biomphalaria glabrata, in which innate immune memory was recently reported. We provide herein the first evidence that a shift from a cellular immune response (encapsulation) to a humoral immune response (biomphalysin) occurs during the development of innate memory. The molecular characterisation of this process in Biomphalaria/Schistosoma system was undertaken to reconcile mechanisms with phenomena, opening the way to a better comprehension of innate immune memory in invertebrates. This prompted us to revisit the artificial dichotomy between innate and memory immunity in invertebrate systems.

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Publisher's official version
184 Mo
S1 Fig. Correlation between RNAseq and Q-RT-PCR.
-29 Ko
S1 Table. List of differentially represented transcripts in RNAseq clusters.
-166 Ko
S2 Table. All cluster identified in Fig 5.
-23 Ko
S3 Table. Primers used for Q-RT-PCR.
-12 Ko
S1 Appendix. Expanded Materials and Methods section.
12206 Ko
S2 Appendix. Trade-off between reproduction and immunity.
1112 Ko
How to cite
Pinaud Silvain, Portela Julien, Duval David, Nowacki Fanny C., Olive Marie-Aude, Allienne Jean-Francois, Galinier Richard, Dheilly Nolwenn M., Kieffer-Jaquinod Sylvie, Mitta Guillaume, Theron Andre, Gourbal Benjamin (2016). A Shift from Cellular to Humoral Responses Contributes to Innate Immune Memory in the Vector Snail Biomphalaria glabrata. Plos Pathogens. 12 (1). e1005361 (18p.). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.1005361, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00315/42664/

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