Effects of an asymmetric friction on the nonlinear equilibration of a baroclinic system

Following some recent linear and nonlinear studies the authors examine, using numerical simulations of a classical two-layer model, the effect of an asymmetric friction on the nonlinear equilibrium of moderately unstable baroclinic systems, The results show that the presence of an asymmetric friction leads to a significant wave scale selection: ''long'' waves (in terms of their zonal wavelengths) emerge with a traditional asymmetric friction (with the upper layer less viscous than the lower layer), while only ''short'' waves dominate with a nontraditional asymmetric friction (with the lower layer less viscous than the upper layer). The role of the nonlinear interactions and. more precisely, the effects of an asymmetric friction on the wave-mean flow and wave-wave interactions; and their consequences on the wave scale selection are examined.

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How to cite
Riviere Pascal, Klein Patrice (1997). Effects of an asymmetric friction on the nonlinear equilibration of a baroclinic system. Journal Of The Atmospheric Sciences. 54 (12). 1610-1627. https://doi.org/10.1175/1520-0469(1997)054<1610:EOAAFO>2.0.CO;2, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00336/44705/

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