Seep-carbonate lamination controlled by cyclic particle flux
Authigenic carbonate build-ups develop at seafloor methane-seeps, where microbially mediated sulphate-dependent anaerobic oxidation of methane facilitates carbonate precipitation. Despite being valuable recorders of past methane seepage events, their role as archives of atmospheric processes has not been examined. Here we show that cyclic sedimentation pulses related to the Indian monsoon in concert with authigenic precipitation of methane-derived aragonite gave rise to a well-laminated carbonate build-up within the oxygen minimum zone off Pakistan (northern Arabian Sea). U–Th dating indicates that the build-up grew during past ~1,130 years, creating an exceptional high-resolution archive of the Indian monsoon system. Monsoon-controlled formation of seep-carbonates extends the known environmental processes recorded by seep-carbonates, revealing a new relationship between atmospheric and seafloor processes.
Himmler Tobias, Bayon Germain, Wangner David, Enzmann Frieder, Peckmann Joern, Bohrmann Gerhard (2016). Seep-carbonate lamination controlled by cyclic particle flux. Scientific Reports. 6. 37439 (1-9).,
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Himmler, Tobias, Bayon, Germain, Wangner, David Johannes, Enzmann, Frieder, Peckmann, Jörn, Bohrmann, Gerhard (2016). (Table S2) Major and trace element contents at ROV station GeoB12353-11. PANGAEA.
Himmler, Tobias, Bayon, Germain, Wangner, David Johannes, Enzmann, Frieder, Peckmann, Jörn, Bohrmann, Gerhard (2016). (Table S1) Stable isotopes of a authigenic carbonate built-up at ROV station GeoB12353-11. PANGAEA.