Corrigenda of ’Explicit wave-averaged primitive equations using a Generalized Lagrangian Mean’

Ardhuin et al. (2008) gave a second-order approximation in the wave slope of the exact Generalized Lagrangian Mean (GLM) equations derived by Andrews and McIntyre (1978), and also performed a coordinate transformation, going from a from GLM to a ’GLMz’ set of equations. That latter step removed the wandering of the GLM mean sea level away from the Eulerian-mean sea level, making the GLMz flow non-divergent. That step contained some inaccuarate statements about the coordinate transformation, while the rest of the paper contained an error on the surface dynamic boundary condition for viscous stresses. I am thankful to Mathias Delpey and Hidenori Aiki for pointing out these errors, which are corrected below.


Wave-current, GLM, Air-sea

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How to cite
Ardhuin Fabrice, Rascle Nicolas, Belibassakis K. A. (2017). Corrigenda of ’Explicit wave-averaged primitive equations using a Generalized Lagrangian Mean’. Ocean Modelling. 113. 185-186.,

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