JERICO. Report on Biofouling Prevention Methods

The main aim for this report is to provide an overview of biofouling prevention practices adopted by the JERICO consortium, to evaluate new methods used by the community external to JERICO, and to provide recommendation for best practices and methodologies across the network with the aim towards a common approach. Information on practices in use were collected through a questionnaire, from the JERICO workshops, and from the literature. Furthermore, JERICO started a Biofouling Monitoring Program (BMP) aiming in identifying major organisms responsible for biofouling in different geographical area, as an input to the development and application of more suitable approach to any specific region.

How to cite
Faimeli M., Pavanello G., Greco G., Trentin I., Sparnocchia S. (2014). JERICO. Report on Biofouling Prevention Methods. Ref. D 4.3. Ifremer.

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