Data flow and Data integration - WP7. Report on Tasks 7.1 7.2 - fourth meeting. 14 December afternoon - 16 December 2016 morning, 11 January 2017 Ifremer, Brest

After 18 months of collaborative work (from june 2015 to december 2016) to define the integrated AtlantOS system, this meeting gathered a 4th time the partners on task 7.1 and 7.2 with the aim to (1) move towards implementation of the recommendations for data flow and data integration (2) and prepare the implementation phase that aims to feed operational models and facilitate enhanced products from AtlantOS data.  This meeting was organized as splinters to work on concrete actions so at the end of the meeting

  • Network representative knows exactly for his/her Network what he/she needs to set up and how in order to implement the recommendations and to feed more data in the Integrators, and can build a work plan with the actions to achieve before June 2017.
  • Integrator representative knows how to integrate data from Networks not already or low integrated and when necessary, has set up actions in order to integrate the missing data from the Networks already well connected
  • JCOMMOPS and ETT have inputs and a plan to implement WP9 monitoring tools
How to cite
Harscoat Valerie, Pouliquen Sylvie (2017). Data flow and Data integration - WP7. Report on Tasks 7.1 7.2 - fourth meeting. 14 December afternoon - 16 December 2016 morning, 11 January 2017 Ifremer, Brest. AtlantOS.

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