Workshop on identification of future emerging technologies in the ocean energy sector. 27th March 2018 Ispra, Italy

As part of the European Commission's internal Low Carbon Energy Observatory (LCEO) project, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) is developing an inventory of Future Emerging Technologies (FET) relevant to energy supply. A key part of the LCEO initiative is the consultation of external experts, addressing both those with in-depth experience in specific fields and those with a broad perspective on relevant science and engineering aspects. In this context, on March 27, 2018 the JRC organised a Workshop on Identification of Future Emerging Technologies for Ocean Energy, on it premises in Ispra. The workshop was organised on the idea of a colloquium between international experts to discuss about future emerging technologies considering different aspects such as their technology readiness level (TRL), the potential advantages and challenges affecting their development, and evaluating the possible speed of development.

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Magagna D, Margheritini L, Alessi A, Bannon E, Boelman E, Bould D, Coy V, de Marchi E, Frigaard P, Guedes Soares C, Golightly C, Hals Todalshaug J, Heward M, Hofmann M, Holmes B, Johnstone C, Kamizuru Y, Lewis T, Macadre LM, Maisondieu Christophe, Martini M, Moro A, Nielsen K, Reis V, Robertson S, Schild P, Soede M, Taylor N, Viola I, Wallet N, Wadbled X, Yeats B (2018). Workshop on identification of future emerging technologies in the ocean energy sector. 27th March 2018 Ispra, Italy. Ref. JRC Conference and Workshop Reports. EUR 29315 EN.,

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