A Persistent Deep Anticyclonic Vortex in the Rockall Trough Sustained by Anticyclonic Vortices Shed From the Slope Current and Wintertime Convection


mesoscale eddy, eddy merger, instability, potential vorticity transformations, topographic effects, water masses mixing, Rockall Trough

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How to cite
Smilenova Angelina, Gula Jonathan, Le Corre Mathieu, Houpert Loïc, Reecht Yves (2020). A Persistent Deep Anticyclonic Vortex in the Rockall Trough Sustained by Anticyclonic Vortices Shed From the Slope Current and Wintertime Convection. Journal Of Geophysical Research-oceans. 125 (10). e2019JC015905 (27p.). https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JC015905, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00655/76734/

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