Madden-Julian oscillation winds excite an intraseasonal see-saw of ocean mass that affects Earth’s polar motion

Strong large-scale winds can relay their energy to the ocean bottom and elicit an almost immediate intraseasonal barotropic (depth independent) response in the ocean. The intense winds associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation over the Maritime Continent generate significant intraseasonal basin-wide barotropic sea level variability in the tropical Indian Ocean. Here we show, using a numerical model and a network of in-situ bottom pressure recorders, that the concerted barotropic response of the Indian and the Pacific Ocean to these winds leads to an intraseasonal see-saw of oceanic mass in the Indo-Pacific basin. This global-scale mass shift is unexpectedly fast, as we show that the mass field of the entire Indo-Pacific basin is dynamically adjusted to Madden-Julian Oscillation in a few days. We find this large-scale ocean see-saw, induced by the Madden-Julian Oscillation, has a detectable influence on the Earth’s polar axis motion, in particular during the strong see-saw of early 2013.

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How to cite
Afroosa M., Rohith B., Paul Arya, Durand Fabien, Bourdallé-Badie Romain, Sreedevi P. V., de Viron Olivier, Ballu Valérie, Shenoi S. S. C. (2021). Madden-Julian oscillation winds excite an intraseasonal see-saw of ocean mass that affects Earth’s polar motion. Communications Earth & Environment. 2 (1). 139 (8p.).,

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