Biodiversity, climate change, and adaptation in the Mediterranean

Potential for, and limits to, adaptation to environmental changes are critical for resilience and risk mitigation. The Mediterranean basin is a mosaic of biodiversity-rich ecosystems long affected by human influence, whose resilience is now questioned by climate change. After reviewing the different components of biological adaptation, we present the main characteristics of marine and terrestrial biodiversity in the Mediterranean basin and of the pressures they face. Taking climatic trends into consideration, we discuss the adaptive potential of a range of ecosystems dominated by species without active dispersal. We argue that the high heterogeneity of Mediterranean landscapes and seascapes constitutes a laboratory for the study of adaptation when environmental conditions change rapidly and may provide opportunities for adaptation and adaptability of species and ecosystems. Adaptive management in the Mediterranean can and should harness the nature-based solutions offered by both ecological and evolutionary processes for increasing the resilience of ecosystems to climate change.


adaptive management, biodiversity, biological adaptation, climate change, marine ecosystems, Mediterranean, terrestrial ecosystems

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Aurelle Didier, Thomas Séverine, Albert Cécile, Bally Marc, Bondeau Alberte, Boudouresque Charles‐François, Cahill Abigail E., Carlotti François, Chenuil Anne, Cramer Wolfgang, Davi Hendrik, de Jode Aurélien, Ereskovsky Alexander, Farnet Anne‐Marie, Fernandez Catherine, Gauquelin Thierry, Mirleau Pascal, Monnet Anne‐Christine, Prévosto Bernard, Rossi Vincent, Sartoretto Stephane, Van Wambeke France, Fady Bruno (2022). Biodiversity, climate change, and adaptation in the Mediterranean. Ecosphere. 13 (4). e3915 (23p.).,

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