ICES Survey Protocols – Offshore beam trawl surveys, coordinated by Working group on Beam Trawl Surveys (WGBEAM). Version 04

The present document is the 4th edition of the survey protocol. The manual has its origin in national manuals for offshore beam trawl surveys, and can be considered the public version of the national manuals.

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How to cite
de Boois Ingeborg J., Burt Gary, Lecomte Jean Baptiste, Masnadi Francesco, Panten Kay, Raat Heleen, Sigurdsson Gudjon M., Thorlacius Magnus (2023). ICES Survey Protocols – Offshore beam trawl surveys, coordinated by Working group on Beam Trawl Surveys (WGBEAM). Version 04. ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences. 69. 70pp..,

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