Development of a novel microhaplotype panel for steelhead/rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and application for phylogenetic analysis in California

The rapid advance of high-throughput sequencing has prompted a transition in wildlife and fisheries genetics from using microsatellites toward markers that are more amenable to genotyping by sequencing. Microhaplotypes are novel multi-allelic genetic markers that utilize a high-throughput genomic amplicon sequencing approach to genotype large numbers of individuals for parentage and kinship analysis and population genetic studies, including applications in monitoring and fisheries management. We describe the development of a panel of microhaplotypes for Oncorhynchus mykiss, a species of high cultural and economic importance both in its native range in the North American and the Kamchatka Peninsula of northeast Asia, and globally through introductions for aquaculture and due to its reputation as a prized sport fish among recreational fishers. The panel includes 124 loci presumed to be neutral, a marker for the sex determination locus (SdY), and 10 loci targeting previously identified adaptive genomic variants associated with important life-history traits in this species. We demonstrate that this panel provides high resolution for phylogeographic and other genetic analysis and provide an initial standardized reference population genetic baseline of California O. mykiss.


genomics, microhaplotypes, genotyping, Oncorhynchus mykiss, phylogeography

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Preprint - 10.21203/
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Genotype data
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Supp. Table 1: Population samples used for this study and genetic population statistics for all the ...
-134 Ko
Supp. Table 2: Final list of 124 presumably neutral loci retained during the primer design step, as well as the 10 adaptive loci, and the sex ID locus. Locus name...
-58 Ko
Supp. Table 3: Pairwise Fst estimated for O. mykiss populations (Weir andCockerham 1984). Populations are numbered following Supp. Table 1. The color code is the same as on Supp. Table 1, ...
-132 Ko
Publisher's official version IN PRESS
134 Mo
How to cite
Le Gall Ronan, Barthelemy Noé, Clemento Anthony J., Columbus Cassondra D., Campbell Ellen, Correa Elenea C. A., Rodzen Jeff A., Garza John Carlos, Pearse Devon E. (2024). Development of a novel microhaplotype panel for steelhead/rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and application for phylogenetic analysis in California. Conservation Genetics Resources. INPRESS.,

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