Dunes morphodynamics superimposed on sand banks in a shallow macro-tidal environment: the example of the Haut Fond de Ouessant

This study investigates the morphological parameters and migration rates of dune systems associated with a set of banner banks located at intermediate depths (50 m to 120 m) in the context of a highly dispersive shelf, offshore Brittany (Western France). The work mainly focuses on the Haut Fond d’Ouessant bank. New geophysical data (bathymetry, seismic, reflectivity) from Speedunes (2015) and Bankable (2019) cruises are analysed. We examine how the large range in basal surface depth over which the bank lies affect the dune morphodynamics. We also characterize sediment fluxes between these sediment structures, toward an overview map of sediment pathways across the Iroise shelf, in relation with the straits and the irregular shelf bottom


48.792738N, 47.942461S, -4.504153E, -5.506655W

How to cite
Daguinos Paul, Le Dantec Nicolas, Le Roy Pascal, Menier David, Jouet Gwenael, Ehrhold Axel, Franzetti Marcaurelio, Trotot Alexandre (2023). Dunes morphodynamics superimposed on sand banks in a shallow macro-tidal environment: the example of the Haut Fond de Ouessant. Valance, A., Garlan, T., Crave A., and Gangloff, A. (Eds), 2023. MARID VII. Seventh International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics. Rennes, France, 3-5 April 2023. University of Rennes 1 and Shom. pp.63-67. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00854/96623/

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