Uptake of barium, molybdenum, and lithium and incorporation into scallop shells: Refining proxies for primary production dynamics

Type Article
Date 2023-11
Language English
Author(s) Frohlich Lukas1, Siebert Valentin2, Huang Qian1, Thebault Julien2, Moriceau Brivaela4, Jochum Klaus Peter3, Schöne Bernd R.1
Affiliation(s) 1 : Institute of Geosciences, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany
2 : Univ Brest, CNRS, IRD, Plouzané, France
3 : Climate Geochemistry Department, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany
4 : Univ Brest, CNRS, IRD, Plouzané, France
Source Limnology And Oceanography (0024-3590) (ASLO), 2023-11 , Vol. 68 , N. 11 , P. 2544-2561
DOI 10.1002/lno.12440

Ba/Cashell, Mo/Cashell, and Li/Cashell chronologies of Pecten maximus can provide information on past phytoplankton dynamics. Distinct Ba, Mo, and Li peaks in the shells are associated with algal blooms. This study evaluated the underlying hypothesis that respective element profiles reliably record variations in phytoplankton dynamics occurring within the water column. Therefore, the chemical content of scallops from the Bay of Brest, France, that lived on the sediment surface was compared to conspecific specimens living in a cage above the seafloor and compared with the phytoplankton abundance and the physicochemical properties of the water column. As demonstrated, Ba/Cashell and Mo/Cashell peaks occurred contemporaneously in specimens within the cage and on the sediment, but were higher in the latter. Furthermore, element/Ca peaks agreed with the timing of particulate Ba and Mo enrichments in the seawater. These data support the assumption of a dietary uptake of both elements. Differences in peak heights between shells living in a cage and on the seafloor were controlled by rates of filtration and biomineralization. While the timing and magnitude of Ba/Cashell peaks were linked to Ba-containing diatoms, Mo/Cashell peaks were related to blooms of Mo-enriched dinoflagellate and diatom aggregation events. Two episodes of slight Li enrichment occurred synchronously in cage and sediment shells. Although the exact mechanism causing such Li increases remains unresolved, the findings suggest a link to large diatom blooms or the presence of a specific diatom taxon. This study refines previously hypothesized relationships between trace element enrichments in scallop shells and phytoplankton dynamics.

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Frohlich Lukas, Siebert Valentin, Huang Qian, Thebault Julien, Moriceau Brivaela, Jochum Klaus Peter, Schöne Bernd R. (2023). Uptake of barium, molybdenum, and lithium and incorporation into scallop shells: Refining proxies for primary production dynamics. Limnology And Oceanography, 68(11), 2544-2561. Publisher's official version : https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.12440 , Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00856/96768/