The Amanaus Cruise (5-25 july 2023) In The Centraleastern Amazonia To Better Understand Source 2 Sink Sediment Transfer

The AMANAUS cruise has been undertaken from 5th-25th July 2023 on two boats: the Samara Lopes XII and Yane Jose IV boats from Manaus to Santarém (Leg 1) and on Samara Lopes XII boat only on the way back from Santarém to Manaus (Leg 2). The cruise was based on an international collaboration between Brazilian and French Researchers. The Yane Jose IV boat undertook hydrological measurements in the framework of the HYBAM program with ANA, CPRM, and IRD members ( while the Samara Lopes XII undertook geophysical-geological measurements funded by ISBlue EUR school, ANR, CAPES-COFECUB. The present abstract focuses on the achievements of the Samara Lopes boat only. The aim was to deploy several tools never used in the Amazon River and acquire new geophysical (bathymetry and multichannel high-resolution seismic), sedimentological, and geochemical data (cores, bedload, and suspended particulate material) for a better understanding of source-to-sink transport of sediments and their evolution through time with the concomitant role of climate, sea-level, and tectonic changes


Source to Sink, Multichannel Seismic, Bathymetry, Geochemistry, Centraleastern Amazonian.

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Trindade Cintia, Ianniruberto Marco, Moizinho Gabriel, Murienne Jérôme, Guyavarch Pierre, Dupont Pauline, Bandeira Iris, Severo Ednaldo, Martinez Jean-Michel, Baltzer Agnes, Rabineau Marina, Aslanian Daniel (2023). The Amanaus Cruise (5-25 july 2023) In The Centraleastern Amazonia To Better Understand Source 2 Sink Sediment Transfer. Anais. 17º Simpósio de Geologia da Amazônia "Geotecnologias E Sustentabilidade : A Geologia Na Amazônia Atual". 23-25 outurbo 2023, Santarem-PA. organizadores Felipe Holanda dos Santos, Ana Clara Braga de Souza, Rick Souza de Oliveira, Geize Carolinne Correia Andrade Oliveira. ISBN: 978-85-88692-17-6 1. pp.31-36.

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