Taming the terminological tempest in invasion science

Standardised terminology in science is important for clarity of interpretation and communication. In invasion science – a dynamic and rapidly evolving discipline – the proliferation of technical terminology has lacked a standardised framework for its development. The result is a convoluted and inconsistent usage of terminology, with various discrepancies in descriptions of damage and interventions. A standardised framework is therefore needed for a clear, universally applicable, and consistent terminology to promote more effective communication across researchers, stakeholders, and policymakers. Inconsistencies in terminology stem from the exponential increase in scientific publications on the patterns and processes of biological invasions authored by experts from various disciplines and countries since the 1990s, as well as publications by legislators and policymakers focusing on practical applications, regulations, and management of resources. Aligning and standardising terminology across stakeholders remains a challenge in invasion science. Here, we review and evaluate the multiple terms used in invasion science (e.g. ‘non‐native’, ‘alien’, ‘invasive’ or ‘invader’, ‘exotic’, ‘non‐indigenous’, ‘naturalised’, ‘pest’) to propose a more simplified and standardised terminology. The streamlined framework we propose and translate into 28 other languages is based on the terms (i) ‘non‐native’, denoting species transported beyond their natural biogeographic range, (ii) ‘established non‐native’, i.e. those non‐native species that have established self‐sustaining populations in their new location(s) in the wild, and (iii) ‘invasive non‐native’ – populations of established non‐native species that have recently spread or are spreading rapidly in their invaded range actively or passively with or without human mediation. We also highlight the importance of conceptualising ‘spread’ for classifying invasiveness and ‘impact’ for management. Finally, we propose a protocol for classifying populations based on (i) dispersal mechanism, (ii) species origin, (iii) population status, and (iv) impact. Collectively and without introducing new terminology, the framework that we present aims to facilitate effective communication and collaboration in invasion science and management of non‐native species.


biological invasion, classification, communication, non-English language, non-native, polysemy, synonymy

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Soto Ismael, Balzani Paride, Carneiro Laís, Cuthbert Ross N., Macêdo Rafael, Serhan Tarkan Ali, Ahmed Danish A., Bang Alok, Bacela‐spychalska Karolina, Bailey Sarah A., Baudry Thomas, Ballesteros‐mejia Liliana, Bortolus Alejandro, Briski Elizabeta, Britton J. Robert, Buřič Miloš, Camacho‐cervantes Morelia, Cano‐barbacil Carlos, Copilaș‐ciocianu Denis, Coughlan Neil E., Courtois Pierre, Csabai Zoltán, Dalu Tatenda, de Santis Vanessa, Dickey James W. E., Dimarco Romina D., Falk‐andersson Jannike, Fernandez Romina D., Florencio Margarita, Franco Ana Clara S., García‐berthou Emili, Giannetto Daniela, Glavendekic Milka M., Grabowski Michał, Heringer Gustavo, Herrera Ileana, Huang Wei, Kamelamela Katie L., Kirichenko Natalia I., Kouba Antonín, Kourantidou Melina, Kurtul Irmak, Laufer Gabriel, Lipták Boris, Liu Chunlong, López‐lópez Eugenia, Lozano Vanessa, Mammola Stefano, Marchini Agnese, Meshkova Valentyna, Milardi Marco, Musolin Dmitrii L., Nuñez Martin A., Oficialdegui Francisco J., Patoka Jiří, Pattison Zarah, Pincheira‐donoso Daniel, Piria Marina, Probert Anna F., Rasmussen Jes Jessen, Renault David, Ribeiro Filipe, Rilov Gil, Robinson Tamara B., Sanchez Axel E., Schwindt Evangelina, South Josie, Stoett Peter, Verreycken Hugo, Vilizzi Lorenzo, Wang Yong‐Jian, Watari Yuya, Wehi Priscilla M., Weiperth András, Wiberg‐larsen Peter, Yapıcı Sercan, Yoğurtçuoğlu Baran, Zenni Rafael D., Galil Bella S., Dick Jaimie T. A., Russell James C., Ricciardi Anthony, Simberloff Daniel, Bradshaw Corey J. A., Haubrock Phillip J. (2024). Taming the terminological tempest in invasion science. Biological Reviews. 99 (4). 1357-1390. https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.13071, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00885/99668/

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