Clustering: Fish Environment and Fish Stocks

Otolith shape are commonly used to discriminate fish populations and intra-species stocks. These fish stocks and their otolith shape could be influenced by three sources: its ontogeny, its genetics and the fish environmental conditions.  We analyze an approach for modeling between the fish otolith structure  and socio-ecological or environmental changes at various spatial scales and consider the possibility to develop the clustering criteria for evaluating environmental  models.  They will participate in a competition with a goal to choose the most adequate and applied clustering method using information criteria (Rand index, Adjusted rand index, mean and fuzzy silhouette). Median and range of each environmental variable from Y-year time period considered (Y=1,3,5) are computed from OGS MED-Units Task data extracted from the models produced by the E.U. Copernicus Marine Service and available on the Copernicus website (

The analysis of long memory and persistence in the process of influence modification for the considered year, three years and five years is studied. The adequacy of the model has been tested on real time data using partial and full Geographical sub area (parts of the Mediterranean Sea). The important task is the development and checking of quality criteria model building, which allows us to analyze the number of ecological regions and select the most adequate number of clusters. The model of estimation clustering algorithms is proved by numerical experiment. During the process of creating software, a hierarchical framework was conducted as described in this poster (selection of clustering approaches, selection of criteria, statistical validation). Having considered the information criteria in spatial and temporal resolution, we tried to explain the impact of data from different years on the influences of environmental changes. The performance of the clustering algorithms presented constitutes a benchmark against which several improvement strategies are possible. The results obtained allow operational use of the clustering techniques of fish stock of Red Mullet in Mediterranean sea according to a priori frontiers as Strait of Sicile and Strait of Otranto.


47.088759N, 27.746659S, 38.144531E, -0.175781W

How to cite
Bondarenko Valeriia, Poisson Caillault Emilie, Andrialovanirina Nicolas, Mahe Kelig (2024). Clustering: Fish Environment and Fish Stocks. 2ème Worhshop IA-Optimisation de l'A2U. 5-6 Juin 2024, Calais.

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