Population Genomics of the Blue Shark, Prionace glauca, Reveals Different Populations in the Mediterranean Sea and the Northeast Atlantic

Populations of marine top predators have been sharply declining during the past decades, and one‐third of chondrichthyans are currently threatened with extinction. Sustainable management measures and conservation plans of large pelagic sharks require knowledge on population genetic differentiation and demographic connectivity. Here, we present the case of the Mediterranean blue shark (Prionace glauca, L. 1758), commonly found as bycatch in longline fisheries and classified by the IUCN as critically endangered. The management of this species suffers from a scarcity of data about population structure and connectivity within the Mediterranean Sea and between this basin and the adjacent Northeast Atlantic. Here, we assessed the genetic diversity and spatial structure of blue shark from different areas of the Mediterranean Sea and the Northeast Atlantic through genome scan analyses. Pairwise genetic differentiation estimates (FST) on 203 specimens genotyped at 14,713 ddRAD‐derived SNPs revealed subtle, yet significant, genetic differences within the Mediterranean sampling locations, and between the Mediterranean Sea and the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Genetic differentiation suggests some degree of demographic independence between the Western and Eastern Mediterranean blue shark populations. Furthermore, results show limited genetic connectivity between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic basins, supporting the hypothesis of two distinct populations of blue shark separated by the Strait of Gibraltar. Although reproductive interactions may be limited, the faint genetic signal of differentiation suggests a recent common history between these units. Therefore, Mediterranean blue sharks may function akin to a metapopulation relying upon local demographic processes and connectivity dynamics, whereby the limited contemporary gene flow replenishment from the Atlantic may interplay with currently poorly regulated commercial catches and large‐scale ecosystem changes. Altogether, these results emphasise the need for revising management delineations applied to these critically endangered sharks.


blue shark, connectivity, genome scan, pelagic sharks, SNPs, stock differentiation

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Leone Agostino, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Babbucci Massimiliano, Bargelloni Luca, Coscia Ilaria, Damalas Dimitrios, Delord Chrystelle, Franch Rafaella, Garibaldi Fulvio, Macias David, Mariani Stefano, Martinsohn Jann, Megalofonou Persefoni, Micarelli Primo, Nikolic Natacha, Prodöhl Paulo A., Sperone Emilio, Stagioni Marco, Zanzi Antonella, Cariani Alessia, Tinti Fausto (2024). Population Genomics of the Blue Shark, Prionace glauca, Reveals Different Populations in the Mediterranean Sea and the Northeast Atlantic. Evolutionary Applications. 17 (9). e70005 (12p.). https://doi.org/10.1111/eva.70005, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00908/101987/

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