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10Be records of the Matuyama-Brunhes polarity reversal in the northeastern Chinese loess Plateau
The precise stratigraphic position of the Matuyama-Brunhes (M-B) geomagnetic polarity reversal within Chinese loess sequences and its asynchrony with marine records have been long debated. This uncertainty limits our ability to establish a reliable geochronology for Chinese loess sequences and precise land-sea correlation of paleoclimate records. Here we present the high-resolution 10Be results across the M-B boundary for the Fanshan loess profile in the northeastern Chinese Loess Plateau, for which previous high-stratigraphic-resolution paleomagnetic measurements failed to detect the exact position of the M-B boundary. A major enhancement of the 10Be content (representing an increased atmospheric 10Be production rate) in the upper part of paleosol S7 unambiguously represents the M-B boundary. The estimated age of 773 ± 3 ka for this boundary is consistent with 10Be-inferred age of the M-B boundary in the EPICA Dome C ice core, marine sediment cores, and in the classic Luochuan loess sequence. These findings confirm the robustness of 10Be in constraining geomagnetic reversals in Chinese loess sequences, after the effects of climate on 10Be records have been successfully removed.