Organic Matter Export Rates and the Pathways of Nutrient Supply in the Ocean

Multiyear estimates of organic matter (OM) export based primarily on oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon surface layer budgets applied basin-wide for the Pacific, Atlantic, and S. Indian Oceans yield an inter-basin range from 1 to 3 mol C/m(2)/yr with a global mean of 2.0 mol C/m(2)/yr (8.5 Gt C/yr). OM export rates per area in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are twice than that in the Indian Ocean. The supply of nutrients from the Southern Ocean can potentially support similar to 70% of the observed OM export in the ocean based on observed surface current velocities and PO4 distributions. Horizontal flux of PO4 and dissolved organic phosphorous in the surface layer can support similar to 50%, 20%, and 15% of observed OM export in the Pacific, S. Indian and Atlantic oceans, respectively, with the remainder being supplied vertically from the subsurface. Potential utilization of unused surface PO4 in the subtropical gyre yields similar to 0.1 mol C/m(2)/yr increase in OM export in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans but a similar to 0.8 mol C/m(2)/yr increase in the S. Indian ocean suggesting that stronger nutrient limitation contributes to lower export rates observed in the Indian ocean.


nutrient cycling, carbon cycling, organic matter export, biological pump

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Quay Paul (2023). Organic Matter Export Rates and the Pathways of Nutrient Supply in the Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 37 (8). e2023GB007855 (19p.).,

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