Developing a new wind dataset by blending satellite data and WRF model wind predictions

This paper presents an approach to improve wind datasets developed using the regional atmospheric model Weather Research Forecasting by combining its predictions with remotely sensed wind observations in enhanced wind speed analyses that leads to blended winds. In this study, satellite data derived from scatterometers, radiometers, and synthetic aperture radar are used. The spatial and temporal features of each wind product are thoroughly analysed. For the probabilistic evaluation of their skill, comprehensive comparisons with available buoy data are carried out. The statistical analysis shows that the combined use of satellite and numerical weather prediction model data improves the agreement with buoy measurements, demonstrating the added value of using the blended product. As an application of the method, new improved satellite wind speeds are presented in the form of a wind energy assessment along the Iberian coastal area. From inspection of the provided wind power maps, northern and central regions emerge as the most promising areas for wind harnessing offshore despite some seasonal variations. Finally, potential wind farm sites are provided, along with insights into multi-year wind speed distribution. The results show how the new dataset can be used for the selection of promising areas for wind


WRF, Satellite wind, Blended data, Wind energy

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Author's final draft
321 Mo
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139 Mo
How to cite
Salvação Nadia, Bentamy Abderrahim, Guedes Soares C. (2022). Developing a new wind dataset by blending satellite data and WRF model wind predictions. Renewable Energy. 198. 283-295.,

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