Microbial biomarker detection in shrimp larvae rearing water as putative bio-surveillance proxies in shrimp aquaculture

Background Aquacultured animals are reared in water hosting various microorganisms with which they are in close relationships during their whole lifecycle as some of these microorganisms can be involved in their host’s health or physiology. In aquaculture hatcheries, understanding the interactions existing between the natural seawater microbiota, the rearing water microbiota, the larval stage and the larval health status, may allow the establishment of microbial proxies to monitor the rearing ecosystems. Indeed, these proxies could help to define the optimal microbiota for shrimp larval development and could ultimately help microbial management. Methods In this context, we monitored the daily composition of the active microbiota of the rearing water in a hatchery of the Pacific blue shrimp Penaeus stylirostris. Two distinct rearing conditions were analyzed; one with antibiotics added to the rearing water and one without antibiotics. During this rearing, healthy larvae with a high survival rate and unhealthy larvae with a high mortality rate were observed. Using HiSeq sequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene of the water microbiota, coupled with zootechnical and statistical analysis, we aimed to distinguish the microbial taxa related to high mortality rates at a given larval stage. Results We highlight that the active microbiota of the rearing water is highly dynamic whatever the larval survival rate. A clear distinction of the microbial composition is shown between the water harboring heathy larvae reared with antibiotics versus the unhealthy larvae reared without antibiotics. However, it is hard to untangle the effects of the antibiotic addition and of the larval death on the active microbiota of the rearing water. Various active taxa of the rearing water are specific to a given larval stage and survival rate except for the zoea with a good survival rate. Comparing these communities to those of the lagoon, it appears that many taxa were originally detected in the natural seawater. This highlights the great importance of the microbial composition of the lagoon on the rearing water microbiota. Considering the larval stage and larval survival we highlight that several genera: Nautella, Leisingera, Ruegerira, Alconivorax, Marinobacter and Tenacibaculum, could be beneficial for the larval survival and may, in the rearing water, overcome the r-strategist microorganisms and/or putative pathogens. Members of these genera might also act as probiotics for the larvae. Marivita, Aestuariicocccus, HIMB11 and Nioella, appeared to be unfavorable for the larval survival and could be associated with upcoming and occurring larval mortalities. All these specific biomarkers of healthy or unhealthy larvae, could be used as early routine detection proxies in the natural seawater and then during the first days of larval rearing, and might help to manage the rearing water microbiota and to select beneficial microorganisms for the larvae.


Shrimp larvae, Microbial biomarker, Rearing water microbiota, Healthy larvae, Unhealthy larvae, Bio-surveillance proxies, Lagoon microbiota

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Alpha diversity of the water samples
-28 Ko
Raw data: Larval survival for each rearing day in each tank, corresponding to the number of larvae counted in 1 liter of rearing water and the corresponding percent
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Raw data: Sequence accessions of the rearing water and natural water samples
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Rarefaction curves
11 Mo
How to cite
Callac Nolwenn, Giraud Carolane, Boulo Viviane, Wabete Nelly, Pham Dominique (2023). Microbial biomarker detection in shrimp larvae rearing water as putative bio-surveillance proxies in shrimp aquaculture. Peerj. 11. e15201 (27p.). https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.15201, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00838/94970/

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