FeedNetBack. Description of the multi vehicle simulatorFull TextFilePagesSizeAccess Publisher's official version361 MoOpen accessDownload How to citeOpderbecke Jan, Perrier Michel, Dumon Jonathan (2011). FeedNetBack. Description of the multi vehicle simulator. Ref. IMN/SM/PRAO/11.091. Deliverable D08.03. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00935/104722/Copy this text Related documentsOpderbecke Jan, Piasco Romain, Dumon Jonathan (2011). FeedNetBack. Evaluation of the Underwater Fleet Simulator MASIM and description of simulation results. Ref. IMN/SM/PRAO/11.290. Deliverable D08-04.. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00935/104719/Jimenez J.I., Lopez M., Smyth P., Gennari G., Raimondo D., Donaggio P., Gasparella S., Lain B., Opderbecke Jan, Schenato L., Simon D., Oechtering T., Fishchione C. (2010). FeedNetBack. Tool Specifications. Ref. Deliverable D01.4.. Opderbecke Jan, Kibangou Alain (2010). FeedNetBack. Tools for underwater fleet communication. Ref. Deliverable D08.02. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00935/104721/